LAFCO is seeking to develop a regional strategy for growth in the County through a planning effort with partners and cities.
Create a regularly occurring opportunity for cross sector sharing learnings and collaborating on potential policy, actions and projects.
In Progress
The Lompoc region has been identified as a high priority for fire prevention activities by the modeling completed by the RPP team but the region lacks a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP).
Healthy riparian corridors with natural unimpaired hydrology are natural fire breaks, with well watered vegetation acting to catch and extinguish embers and dampen fire advancement.
Partially Funded/Partially Underway
LAFCO is seeking to develop a regional strategy for growth in the County through a planning effort with partners and cities.
Establish a partnership in Lompoc for resilience related projects and begin building partner capacity to plan, coordinate …
There are many people, organizations and agencies working in the fire readiness and climate resilience fields here in Santa Barbara County, but even professionals dedicated to wildfire prevention in the county are not necessarily aware of and connected to everyone else doing this work.
This opportunity matrix is a useful compendium of priority projects, but it is presented in table form, as project descriptions on the website.
While county residents generally have a high level of awareness of fire risk and high compliance with risk reduction recommendations and requirements, some community members are unable …
Many agencies and community based organizations maintain GIS data for internal purposes and needs. As a result, there are multiple specialized systems for particular needs and redundant technical capacity.
The communities throughout Santa Barbara County have varying degrees of wildfire buffer along their WUI edges. Goleta benefits from significant portions of its WUI edged by irrigated orchards
Building resilience will require implementing the projects listed in the RPP, and doing so requires additional capacity to catalyze partnerships, further project planning, prepare compelling grant proposals, and successfully managing projects.
There is a long term need to acquire Santa Barbara County wide, cross jurisdictional, LIDAR data in addition to the periodic orthographic overflights that are undertaken for aerial mosaic mapping product needs.
There is a need to help homeowners prepare their homes for wildfire across the county, particularly those in more vulnerable areas and those who lack resources or know how.
The Santa Barbara County Fire Safe Council has been an entirely volunteer-run organization without paid staff up until now, but the SBC FSC is now the recipient of significant grant funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation via a new project called the Regional Wildfire Mitigation Program (RWMP).
Prescribed grazing (also known as prescribed herbivory) enables fuel treatment in sloped and difficult to access areas where other vegetation management options are challenging or impractical.
Create a regularly occurring opportunity for cross sector sharing learnings and collaborating on potential policy, actions and projects.
Develop a replicable framework for creating a fire-safe landscape with healthy ecological function in post-fire recovery areas …
The Cachuma Resource Conservation District (CRCD) plays a critical role in our community as a partner to and bridge between farmers, ranchers and other landowners and conservation groups and agencies focused on the health of our land, water, soil, wildlife, agriculture and food systems.
Community Wildfire Protection Planning is a structured process that helps communities assess their preparedness for wildfires, identify priority actions and secure policy guidance from their elected leaders so that fire protection agencies…
Throughout California and the western United States, we are experiencing intense wildfires at previously unthinkable scales and with unprecedented loss of homes and communities.
Our current fire resilience infrastructure and strategies are built on a series of assumptions that may no longer hold true. We have interior fire sprinklers designed to suppress single home fires with a deluge of water…
Home hardening increases the likelihood that a home survives a wildfire, but hardened homes do not provide a safe place of refuge in the event that a fast moving wildfire cuts off evacuation routes and forces residents to shelter in place.
Santa Barbara County Fire Department (SBCFD) serves as Santa Barbara County's Cal Fire Unit and regularly produces an Annual Strategic Unit Plan as mandated by Cal Fire that inventories the fire prevention projects SBCFD has in various stages of its planning and implementation processes.
The Los Padres National Forest (LPNF) undertook a planning effort to identify, prioritize and plan a series of fire prevention and mitigation activities to reduce the risk of wildfire to mountain communities including West Camino Cielo, Painted Cave and Rosario Park.
While several areas of Santa Barbara County benefit from the preparation of Community Wildfire Protection Plans, there are several areas of the County that do not currently have a plan that covers them.
A key SBC Fire Department leader shared that Santa Barbara County needs to increase the pace and scale of fine scale mapping of built and natural resources to facilitate effective planning and avoid unnecessary conflicts.
Building resilience will require implementing the projects listed in the RPP, and doing so requires additional capacity to catalyze partnerships, further project planning, prepare compelling grant proposals, and successfully managing projects.
This is an educational tool that LAFCO needs to weigh the cost of wildfire suppression when considering a SOI, or more importantly, an annexation that involves any land with inherent fire severity.
Undertake a comprehensive evacuation study countywide across all jurisdictions to review existing evacuation routes for potential improvements. This has been done for smaller areas like portions of Mission Canyon…
This project would refine our understanding of countywide needs for additional wildfire infrastructure (station upgrades, engines, safe areas, crews) building on the City Gate report that documented SBCFD infrastructure needs…
There is a need to enhance elected officials' understanding of the nuances and complexities of wildfire and its impact and importance in every arena of government activity. Wildfire helps define community needs…
When fires occur, they often start in areas of the national forest and enter into the unincorporated WUI portions of the County. There is a need to conduct detailed mapping of invasive, flammable vegetation or other fire risks…
The current countywide dispatch system for all emergency response is grouped under the Sheriff's Department including fire and law enforcement. Each fire district and law enforcement agency (e.g. Santa Barbara City Police Department)…