There is so much great work being done in the wildfire resilience domain. Here we have curated a list of resources from plans to websites to educational materials. If you’d like to suggest a resource to add please email us at info@sbcwildfireresilience.org.
Importance of native plants for building wildfire resilience and home protection. Includes a demonstration of the difference between flammability of non-native and native plants
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection's Fire and Resource Assessment Program (FRAP) assesses the amount and extent of California's forests and rangelands, analyzes their conditions and identifies alternative management and policy guidelines.
The Fire Hazard Severity Zone (FHSZ) maps are developed using a science-based and field-tested model that assigns a hazard score based on the factors that influence fire likelihood and fire behavior.
A platform that displays the location and size of federal and state wildfire and landscape resilience treatments throughout the state.
The resource kit contains a core set of data layers that reflect management-relevant metrics for the California Central Coast region.
This Action Plan integrate key findings and recommendations from various plans, studies, and assessments into a single coordinated and comprehensive strategy.
A resource hub for fire adaptation. The site is a place to learn about fire adapted communities, find tools and resources, and get inspired by community wildfire adaptation work across the country.
FAC Net exists to support and connect people and communities working on wildfire resilience.
This Roadmap weaves together lessons from decades of policy and practice with forward-thinking approaches that incorporate new technology and knowledge.
The vision of this Fire Portal is to provide a data sharing hub, so people can share their data, view and interact with it and other people's data online, and download other data to their local systems.
This CWPP outlines a series of policies and action items which are intended to guide implementation of the CWPP.